April 2, 2020

No One Should Underestimate My Current Anger Against Akufo-Addo And His Family, I Spent My Sweat On Them - HRH Oscar Doe

Renowned businessman, HRH Oscar Yao Doe has warned anyone who thinks he could be intimidated for being so critical of President Akufo-Addo and his administration, to perish such thoughts in their minds. He said having spent his hard-earned money on the President, his wife and family over the past 20 years, he stands no less qualified to critisise him and his administration for their wrongdoings. He said despite all he has done for the president, he never received any financial or political gratification from him and his family.

He made these clarifications in a public post today. Read it in full below..
I, His Royal Highness, Oscar Yao Doe Wish To Make Some Clarifications As Follows:

(That For) Over 2 Decades, I Have Spent My Own Hard-Earned Money And Sweat, (Millions of Dollars) On President Akufo Addo, First Lady Rebecca Akufo Addo, Ther Children And Their Entire Family.

(That) I Have Never Received Any Financial or Political Support From Them, (Since) When They Were In Opposition and Now (That They Are) In Government. I Never Did. I (Had) Rather Kept Supporting Them Financially And Materially, Even In Government.

So Let Me Sound (This Note Of) Advice..

Anyone Who Thinks Because I Am Speaking Against The President's Wrongdoings, They Can Intimidate Me Should Think Again, Because At The End, The Public Shall See Who Rather Should Be Embarrassed. I Am Not Coward. This is a No Go Area.

No One Should Make A Terrible Mistake By Pouring Fuel On The Already Burning Fire.

No One Should Underestimate The Anger I Feel About How The President And His Family Have Treated Me And My Family.

I Rest My Case, For Now.