May 7, 2020

Akufo-Addo Govt To Waste 2.4 Billion GHS On Voter And GH Cards When Millions Of Ghanainans Are Finding Life Extremely Hard -HRH Doe Laments

Philanthropist and international businessman, HRH Oscar Yao Doe has lamented what he calls gross insensitivity on the part of the administration of President Akufo-Addo for approving over 2.4 billion GHS to the EC and NIA for a new voter register and new national identity cards, at a time Ghanaians are currently finding life extremely difficult. He questioned why such a huge public resources would be wasted while millions of Ghanaians are walking the streets with empty bellies.

In a statement today, the Doscar Group Holdings Chairman took a swipe at the president, and the chairpersons of the EC and NIA, whose actions, he said have grossly negated their claims in their CVs to be human rights advocates. HRH Doe also said a government that is embarking on spendings like this while leaving it's own people to the survival of the jungle is dangerously incompetent and a total failure. Read the statement below..
"The Electoral Commission Exposed.

The EC And NIA Combined Are Spending A Total Of Over 2.4 Billion Ghana Cedis
For New Voters Cards And Identity Card Registration Process For A Poor Country Like Ghana! The Current EC Chair, Jean Mensa (Claims To Be) A Human Rights Advocate On Her CV. What Exactly Has She Been Advocating? (You Want To) Give People New Voter's Cards, (And) Then, The People Go Home Empty Stomach?

Has It Reached A Level Where Been Born A Ghanaian Has Become A Crime From Birth? Most People Are Genuinely Struggling. Families Are Genuinely Hurting In Pain Daily, No Opportunity For The Youth. As You're Now Aware, COVID-19 Has Exposed The Real Ghana Situation. The Previously Hyped Fast Growing Economy Credentials We Were Told (Has Been Exposed).

Millions Of Ghanainans Are Currently Finding Life Extremely Difficult, Because Of The Effect Of COVID-19 On Their Businesses, Or Their Employment. And Yet, (The) Current NPP Government Is Going To Waste Over $200 Million US Dollars Just Like That? Can You Imagine? (Spending Such Amount) On A New Voter Register Even Used Recently For District's Assembly Elections.

The NPP Government Again Failed! During (The) 3 Weeks Lockdown, Many Ghanainans Were Subjected To The Humiliation Of Begging For Food. They Were Given One Takeaway Pack Of Fried Rice To Be Shared By Family Of Seven. A Mother Plus Her 6 Children At James Town Were Given 2 (Balls Of) Banku Takeaway Pack With Baby Tilapia To Be Managed For 1 Week. (The Much-Talked about) Planting For Food And Jobs (PFJ), 1D1F, 1V1D, All Got Missing In Action When Needed Most!

The Akufo Addo's Administration Also Gave A Whooping 1.2 Billion Ghana Cedis To The National Identification Authority (NIA) For Identity Cards. So What They Are Saying Is 'Get Ghana Card From Government And Then Go Home To Die Of Hunger. The NIA Boss, Professor Ken Attafuah Also (Claims) On His CV To Be A Human Rights Advocate. Can You Imagine?

President Akufo Addo, Whose Administration Approved All These Reckless,Heartless, Careless Activities, Also On His CV, (Claims To Be A) Human Rights Advocate? So, Imagine If Jean Mensa, Professor Ken Attafuah And President Akufo Addo Were Not 'Human Rights Advocates' (As They Claimed) On Their CVS, What Would Have Happened?

The So-Called, Well-Educated Has Reduced (The Country) To Nothing. ZERO. ZERO.ZERO. No Love For Country! A Government That Can Spend 1.2 Billion Ghana Cedis, Plus Over $200 Million US Dollars On Trash But Left It's Own People To The Survival Of The Jungle. That Government Is Dangerously Incompetent And A Total Failure. Sad Moment For Ghana."