November 14, 2020

Akufo-Addo Deprived Rawlings Of His Privileges As Ex-president, Now He Wants To Hijack His Burial - HRH Oscar Doe

Reputable philanthropist and businessman, HRH Oscar Yao Doe has told Ghanainans not to be deceived by the sudden interest President Nana Akufo-Addo has taken in the burial of former president, Jerry Rawlings. According to him, Ghanainans should not trust the president who deprived the late Rawlings his privileges as a former president while he (Akufo-Addo) was minister.
He said this in a public post this morning. Read the post below.. 

NPP Scam Alert! Do Not Trust Akufo-Addo. When Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo Was Ghana's Foreign Minister & Minister For Justice, Guess What? Akufo Addo Withdrew And Reduced Jerry John Rawling's Deserving Protocols As A Former President Including Taking Away Some Cars And Other Presidential Retirement Benefits From Him Without Any Justification. Infact Ft Lt Jerry John Rawlings Was So Hurt To The Extent That He Even Stopped Using The Ghana Airport VIP Wing In Protest Of That Decision.

But Today, The Same Nana Addo Is Limping (Around) As If He Cares And Wanted To Hijack Rawling's Funeral As If He's The Abusuapayin Of The Agbotsui Family.

Rawlings Suffered A Lot Under Those Circumstances, That Is Common Public Record."