February 13, 2020

Misplaced Priority: Akufo-Addo Govt Cannot Take Ghanaians Out Of Abject Hardship, But Can Afford To Spend GH¢477m Counting Them - HRH Doe

Frontline businessman, HRH Oscar Yao Doe has expressed suprise yet again, about misplaced priorities by the current administration in Ghana. His latest grouse with the administration is about the news that the ministry of finance has approved a budget of GH¢477 million for the 2020 national census to be conducted by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS). HRH Doe questioned why a responsible government would want to spend such a whoping sum on census, considering the hardship and pain Ghanaians have been going through, which require urgent attention and spending.

Read his post this evening on social media over the issue below.. 

So, Ghana Has A Lot Of Money Stockpiled Somewhere And Our Youth Are Subjected To Abject Hardship And Pain.

Those Moneys Come Out Only When Needed For (Things Like) New Voters Register, Census, President Akufo-Addo's Private Jet Rentals, His Hotel Bills Abroad, Investigations, Intimidation Of The Ghanaian People Who Voted Them, Payments For Auditing By KROLL, KPMG, Price Waterhouse, Creation Of Security Task Force To Intimidate Galamseyers, Etc.

Are We Really A Serious Nation?

Meanwhile, We Cannot Find Money To Build The Needed School Blocks To End Double-Track System In Our Senior High Schools (SHS). Many School Blocks Built By The Mahama Administration, Especially The E-Blocks (SHS) Have Been Abandoned By The Akufo-Addo Administration Because They Thought If The Students Use It, Credits Will Go To Mahama. So, The Mahama School Blocks Are Standing There, Empty, Without Occupancy.

Can You Imagine All These Happening Under Those Who Claimed To Be Well-Educated And Very Competent. (They Are Now The Ones) Allowing State Resources To Go Waste, Just Like That.

I Think Something Is Wrong With The Mindset Of President Akufo-Addo And His Cousins!