March 22, 2020

Let Us All Defeat Coronavirus Together! HRH Oscar Doe Sends Passionate Message To Govt And All

Chairman of Doscar Group Holdings, HRH Oscar Yao Doe has sent out a passionate message to government and individuals, urging all to join hands in the fight against the rampaging coronavirus (COVID-19), which he described as 'ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE'.

In his emotional message shared on social media this afternoon, the reputable businessman urged the government of Ghana to as a matter of urgency, decongest the country's prisons, by releasing prisoners with minimal offenses (who are free of the virus). He also admonished landlords, banks and other essential vendor organisations to relax payment obligations at this crucial moment, while encouraging individuals to adhere strictly to hygienic advises. Read his full message below.. 
I Urge The Government Of Ghana, As A Matter Of Urgency, to Release Many Prisoners Whose Offenses Are Minimal, After Extensive Screening for Coronavirus ( Convid-19).

To Provide The Needed PPE to Frontline Workers, Especially Health Workers, Immediately.

I Am Pleading With Landlords, Banks And All Essential Vendors Organisations To Relax Payment Obligations At This Crucial Moment.

Help Stop The Spread of Deadly Coronavirus ( Covid-19). Let's Defeat This Deadly Enemy Together. Stay Safe. We Are All Vulnerable.

Wash Your Hands Regularly With Soap, Clean Your Hands With Hand Sanitizers, (If You Can Afford It), or Clean Your Hands With Locally-Made Alcohol, Which is Affordable. 

Open Your Doors and Windows For Natural Ventilation And Reduce The Use of Air Conditioner.

Take a Walk, At Least 30 Minutes, or 1 Hour or More Daily. If You're a Person With Disability, Please, Within Your Own Accord, Move Your Hands or Legs or Head Regularly, for 30 minutes or 1 Hour Daily.

Eat Very Well Daily. Eat More Locally-Made Food or Any Other. Stay Safe. Observe Social Distancing at All Times To Curtail The Spread Of This DEADLY ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE Called CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19).

Above All, Stay The Same As You're, And Reach Out To Those Who Are Genuinely in Need. Spread Love. Stay Home Regularly At This CRITICAL Moment.