February 26, 2020

Martin Amidu: Most Ghanaians Have Lost Faith In The Special Prosecutor Office, And I Agree With Them - HRH Doe

HRH Oscar Yao Doe, the Chairman of Doscar Group Holdings has said he shares same school of thought with most Ghanaians that the Special Prosecutor's Office has become redundant, and irrelevant because it has lost public confidence, and that it should be abolished immediately to protect public purse.

In a public post today, the renowned businessman could not hide his displeasure over the dissapointment expressed by Ghanaians about the failure of Honourable Martin A.B.K Amidu appointed as Special Prosecutor by President Akufo-Addo 2 years ago. According to him, Ghanaians have been shocked by the SP's silence on many corrupt activities going on in the current administration, against the trust and hope reposed in him by them upon his appointment in 2018. He asked if the Special Prosecutor's Office is worth the tax payers' funding after all. Read his full post below.. 

Once upon a time, 11th January 2018 (to be precise), Ghanaians were in a jubilant mood. The excitement could be felt across the country, because (most people thought) it was a good news. 

The good news was that the self-proclaimed citizen vigilante, Honourable Martin A.B.K Amidu had been appointed the long-awaited Special Prosecutor.

(But the question now is) is it worth the tax payers'funding? What was the main aim of creating the Special Prosecutor's office? Is it to score political points? Or using the office to please every seating or future President, to carry out their personal political witch-hunts of investigations?

Or (is it) to protect the public purse? Which is which?

We should be careful not to set a dangerous precedent which could become catastrophic for our justice system.

Has Martin Amidu performed well? Has he been truthful, fair and honest in the discharge of his duty?

After 2 years in office, Ghanaians are surprised about the SP's silence on many corrupt activities going on in the 'opens' with government machineries and it appointees.

Most people are saying the Special Prosecutor's Office has become 'redundant' and 'no more relevant', because it has lost public confidence, and that it should be abolished immediately to protect public purse. Most Ghanaians no longer have faith in the Special Prosecutor's Office.

I personally agree totally with this overwhelming Public sentiment. I do.