March 3, 2020

We Need Law To Stop Govt Appointees From Using State Powers To Suppress Innocent Ghanaians - HRH Doe Urges Parliament

To have a society of responsible human beings, whereby no one can use their political position or privileges in deny, hurt, undermie, or manipulate against any Ghanaian based on his or her political affiliation, religious beliefs, ethnic background, or physically challenges, there is an urgent need for the Ghana Parliament to enact a new, strong law to this effect. This was the submission of HRH, Oscar Yao Doe, the reputable Chairman of Doscar Group Holdings.

He frowned at how politicians and political appointees now use state institutions and power to destroy, undermine, sabotage, blackmail, drag down people they perceive as enemies, for reasons that are not just. 

In a public post today, he cited the instance of how few years ago, President Akufo Addo and Vice President Bawumia were going round, begging business owners for money and how after assuming office, they went on a rampage to damage, destroy those businesses they, their party, and their families have been collecting money from, including himself. Read the full post below... 

"A country where beggars can become illusionary powerful in fiction:

We need as a MATTER of URGENCY, to enact a law in Ghana Parliament which shall prohibit any, or every government institution, government qppointee, and elected officials from using state institutions and power to destroy, or undermine, sabotage, blackmail, drag down anyone; or to exclude, disadvantage (any citizen) in competitive bidding for government contracts, employments, and benefits to the poor, the needy, or disabled. 

The law Should be "EXPLICITLY" NON-NEGOTIABLE, so that whoever is found culpable OF (running against) that law shall face minimum of 5 years in jail for low level appointees, and up to 10 years in jail for high profile appointees.

These (kind of) laws could help us act as responsible human beings, whereby no one can use their political position or privileges in denying, or to hurt, or to withhold, or to undermine, or manipulate against any Ghanaian in the future based on their political affiliation, or religious beliefs, ethnic background, or physical challenges.

Few years ago, President Akufo Addo and Vice President Bawumia were going round begging business owners for money and after assuming office they went on a rampage to damage, destroy those businesses they, their party, and their families have been collecting money from, including myself, His Royal Highness Oscar Yao Doe.

This NONSENSE must stop immediately, to pave way for a prosperous society for our youth and upcoming generations.

It's a MUST, (and an) urgently needed law to prevent certain individuals from hiding under state powers to hurt well-accomplished people in our society.

It will help us to become a society where people can speak out what is in their minds without fear or favour."