June 18, 2023

My Passion For Cooking Brought Me Success In Food Business In US - Grains and Solids Boss, BOLANLE EJIGBADERO

She is simply known as 'Bolanle Grains and Solids'- a household name in Texas, of one of the big Nigerian restaurants, owned by her. She is also the owner of Amala On Point Restaurant in Houston, that caters to the needs of people who crave Nigerian delicacies and dishes at their functions and parties. A very hardworking, sociable, friendly, but no-nonsense woman, Bolanle Adeyemi Ejigbadero inspires many with her life. She is a daughter of the prominent late Chief Ejigbadero. With over 10 years in food business, who started off on Lagos Island years ago has now carved a niche for herself. She recently spoke to CityScoop about her life and how she hit success doing food business in America. Excerpts below..
At what point did it occur to you that you can actually cook for people?
I won't be exaggerating if say I started cooking at the age of 10. I was someone who doesn't like to eat. Back then, we usually have many housemaids and we used to eat at the same time, but any time my mum sees leftovers on my plate, she always forces me to go back and finish the food.even if is dinner and no matter how late. She will always say in Yoruba "I won't raise a child that does not know how to eat". She will even scold me for not taking the the little food I can eat. She did this a couple of times but I still did not change. So one day she got pissed that I was still repeating the same thing, so she insisted I cook my food myself, and ordered that the maids should stop cooking for us. I have two elder sisters, so she told me and my sisters to share the cooking routine between ourselves. Thank God I always look at the maids when they cook. The day I cooked I got an applause from everyone. I will say that was how the whole thing started. Even it got to a point that whenever my mum's friend come visiting, they always want me to do the cooking.
So how did the journey continue after you traveled outside the country?
Before I left Nigeria I was into designing. I attended a fashion school after I graduated. I take people's order both male and female and I make them ready-to-wear. While doing that, I also sell jewelry. I sell 18k Italian gold and I have a long clientele. While doing this, I moved to London. My elder sister who has been around in the UK told one of my uncles who own a restaurant known as D 'den African Restaurant, not too far from Wembley Stadium that I was a good cook and he should let me work for him. The thing is I love cooking so so much. I am one person who is never tired of cooking. I love it when I see the satisfaction on people's face. Well I joined them, I did the job well and also changed their mode of cooking and more customers started visiting the restaurant. You know there is no one who won't be happy when people commend her work. I am happy when I hear people say " wao the vegetable taste so nice, your sauce is tasty and all that. One thing about my cooking is I like being creative about it. I could be cooking and It will just come to my mind to add something and it will end up tasting so nice. Apart from the fact that cooking is my hobby, I am also creative about it,.
So how did Grains and Solids start?
After my stay in UK, I came back to Nigeria and I opened a restaurant at Balogun Ultra Modern Plaza in Lagos Island. I cooked lunch for Finbank and Fidelity Bank before they merged. The restaurant was called 'Flakes Kitchen'. I did it for a couple of years and later moved to the US. When I got to America, I didn't even know what to do. My sister's husband then said you that you were making a lot of money Nigeria, how will you cope? I said don't worry, I will cope. I will do what others do also to make money. So they told me about a woman who has an African restaurant. When I got there, I saw her style and I tried to correct her but she didn't let me . So I left . I think I worked for her for 2 days. I came back to Nigeria because I lost my mum. After the burial, I went back again to the US. So, my sister asked if I will be doing rentals. She does Decor. I did that for sometime, but I wasn't getting the satisfaction I wanted. One day, my sister had an event at the Ayva Event Centre. It is a very big hall. I asked my sister if they are going to need a cook there and she said no. She said "I don't want Segun Gele's wahala o", because he was the one that invited her there to do the decoration. I said what does that mean, and since it's not Segun Gele that will employ me. I told her I need to get something doing. So we went for the event and I told Segun Gele about it and he said ok. He will speak to the people behind the place. When I got back my sister asked again what will you do now that you are back. Can you try rentals ? I tried it I didnt really get the kind of satisfaction that I wanted. One day I followed my sister to an event to go do decor ,so I told her that I like this event hall. They will definitely need a cook. My sister said no oo. I don't want Segun Gele's wahala . He is the one that callee my sister for the decoration. So I met Segun Gele and I told him about my plans and he said ok.So I saw a gathering of people, I greeted them and said ma, I cook and she said really? I said yes. I introduced myself, that I made real Nigeria delicacies, ,she said waoh, we always have events here and we definitely need a cook.Then I had friends who were earning $10, but she started with me with $20, then later to $25. Later, the woman called me and said Bola "you are too good, you can't be working for us ,we can't pay your money, go and start your own thing, don't waste this talent". We wanted to do franchise, but the amount they called was too much. So I left. I started the cooking and food tasting in my house, from my one room apartment and people will order. I printed cards and named the business 'Home Taste'. One day, my sister helped me get my first big job - for 300 guests. Since then, God has been faithful. I intorudced the Amala Abula to Houston party crowd . It was a big hit for me. I decided to rent a place. The first place was at Beachfront. And to God be the glory, it wasn't bad. Some people started in that same location and they complained of no sales, but when I moved in, God showed His mercies. One day, I was in the toilet, I was praying and talking to God that they say there is no sales here even if it is $300, let me make. Later I asked for $500 and it came to pass. Later I asked for more and the rest is history. I could pay my staff, pay rent, and do a lot more and I am doing extremely good. When I got my first place, I changed my business name to Grains and Solids.
When you started, what was your staff strength like?
I started with just 1 person who was doing the dishes. Later, she was asking for too much and she left. I later employed more people, but I am the head cook. I do all the cooking.

At what point did you grow to require expansion?
After employing more hands and sales was coming more than I expected. I decided to get a bigger place at Sugarland, Texas. I named it 'Amala On Point Cafe'. The first one is 'Grain and Solids On Point'. That one is very big., It is a full restaurant where you can have a party. During Covid-19 pandemic I shut had to down. So I said to myself Bolan le, why not try to open a grocery store? So, I gave it a try. It is a big place, just 3 shops away from my restaurant. The sales I was making didn't meet my expectations. I was just putting money and not making sales. So I closed it down. But it is not a regret. Sometimes it is good to try. But with the 2 restaurants, God has been indeed faithful.
What would you say are your challenges as a business owner in the US?
I won't lie, there is are always challenges in anything you do. You just have to hold unto God and overcome them. Challenges will always come, how you handle and overcome them s what matters. When I was running the first restaurant, a lady I employed had an accident and she put all the blame on me. I paid almost $150,000.

So it is good to have a license and insurance because if you don't, workers might end up playing a fast one on you.

You never worked anywhere before starting up the restaurant, howwere you able to raise the capital? 
You know what whatever you want to do in life, just believe in yourself.